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The Postgraduates' Union

Time£º2010-11-21 21:09

The Postgraduates' Union of Department of Polymer Science and Engineering (PUDPSE) is a student organization attaching to Party Committee and Youth League Committee, which consists of four departments: Public Affairs Centre, Academic Development Centre, Cultural and Sports Activities Center, News and Information Center.The Postgraduates' Union always adheres to the mission that "serve student, practise ability, improve quality and promote development".

Since administration independence of Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, the Postgraduates' Union has organized a series of meaningful activities: surpporting the Doctors' Union of Zhejiang University to co-organize the Asia Doctoral Innovation Conference, organizing delegation to visit the exhibition "Talent• Technology•Innovation" Week in Shaoxing, organizing choir to join the school chorus competition and winning the second prize. By serving the students with a variety of activities, the members of PUDPSE have got exercise of great degree.



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Tel: 86-571-87951308, Fax: 86-571-87951592