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The Students' Union

Time£º2010-11-21 14:02

 The Students' Union of the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering (SUDPSE) is founded on March 1st of 2009, and a group full of vigor and vitality.

Under the leadership of the Party committee and the concrete guidance of the Youth League committee, SUDPSE is the undergraduate students' organization taking over student affairs. SUDPSE aims to serve the students heart and soul from the students' need in all things, and bridge between teachers and students. SUDPSE puts forward the principles of "self-service, self-management and self-education", stimulating the initiative of the students in all fields of endeavor. With the chief task of launching and organizing academic or cultural and sports activities for the undergraduate students of department, SUDPSE colors students' school life, promotes the unity and deepens the friendship. Adhereing to our school motto "seeking the truth", the Students' Union develops our departmental "getting together and united as a whole" (In Chinese we say "Ju He", which has another meaning as polymerization), and displays our discipline's connotations as well as our positive spirit features.

The Student Conference of the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering is the highest organ of power in SUDPSE. The meeting of the Student Conference is held once every year to discuss and decide the important affairs of SUDPSE. The presidium of SUDPSE which is elected by the Student Conference will function as the highest organ of power and take care of the day-to-day work when the conference is in recess.

SUDPSE has six separate departments: the General Affairs Office, the Academic Department, the Cultural and Sports Department, the News and Network Department, the Student Welfare Department, and the Public Liaison Department. The annual "Polymer Festival" serial activities are the high-quality brand of SUDPSE.



Copyrights© Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, 2009
Address: Zhe Da Road 38, Hangzhou 310027, China
Tel: 86-571-87951308, Fax: 86-571-87951592