In order to arouse students’ interests and enthusiasms to study chemistry, also to provide them a precious chance to enrich their extracurricular lives, DPSE held the second “Li-Sheng Cup” Chemical Knowledge Contest on May 11. The competition was held in room 139 of International Meeting Center in Zijingang campus of Zhejiang University, Li-Ping Zhu the associate professor of DPSE, Na-Chuang Wang the director of technology department in Li-Sheng Enterprise, and, Neng Mao, the counselor of Lan-Tian Lyceum, were present at this contest.
The competition began at 18:30, with a brief prologue and introduction of guests and teachers presented. The director Na-Chuang Wang subsequently gave an account of the core technology and research levels of Li-Sheng Enterprise, visually and concisely. He also shared some couplets with audience to introduce more vividly and lively the development targets, spirits and prospects of the company.
It was followed with the self-introductions of each team, in which they also declared their own manifesto to participate in this contest. After all of these, it came the core part of this activity—the rivalry among all teams! According to the rules, this match consisted of following four rounds: “Together We Can”, “Every Second Counts”, “Vying with Each Other” and “Everything or Nothing”.
The whole room suddenly plunged into silence and the atmosphere soon became solemn and tense when the first round started. Not only were the competitors replying to the questions with all guns blazing, but also the audiences were considering the answers full of passion and enthusiasm. Every team performed pretty well in this round and they got close scores.
Then the teams, at full steam, couldn’t wait going on to the next round, “Every Second Counts”. In this part, the competitors were required to judge true or false in a short time, due to which they had to react and response rapidly. This round was designed to test their proficiency of chemical knowledge.
When the two rounds were over, the compere announced the teams advancing to the final and scores they obtained. Four teams “Life without Leisure”, “Green Light Man”, “Seeking Truth” and “Kun-Wu Stone” finally went through to the final and “Green Light Man” ranked first temporarily with a score of 180.
After ten-minute intermission, the third round “Vying with Each Other” took away its veil. Every team was asked to splice accurate ball-and-stick models of certain molecules according to the molecular structural formulas on the screen. Prof. Zhu then would review these models and the team accomplished first was qualified to answer questions and gain scores.
It turned out that the team “Kun-Wu Stone” was the biggest winner in the first part of this round. However, after two parts, ” “Green Light Man” catched up, they were tied for the first place, while other teams were still eyeing covetously. Thus all of them had to go all out to fight since there was only one round left now. The feelings of tension and anxiety pervaded every corner and reached its climax during the runoff race. At last, “Kun-Wu Stone” missed out on the title unfortunately and “Green Light Man” was crowned champion!
The judges made general comments on the whole contest after it was over and awarded the prizes and letters of commendation to corresponding teams. The subsequent part of extracting the lucky spectators attracted the audiences’ attention again and then the second “Li-Sheng Cup” Chemical Knowledge Contest of DPSE finally rounded off with warm applause!
(By Kotel)