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Happy Girl’s Day

Time:2013-03-10 17:05

March 7th has been named by college students as the “Girl’s Day”, whose increasing popularity sweeps all the college campus. So, here. No exception, too!

In order to celebrate this event for all the girls in our department, the Graduate Student Union and the Undergraduate Student Union combined have made an elaborate plan this time---Loving Breakfast. The purpose was to kindheartedly remind girls to maintain healthy dietary habits, for instance, not to neglect breakfast before starting the work in the lab every morning.

On the early morning of that day, male volunteers, from tthe Graduate Student Union and Undergraduate Student Union, made delicate decoration to beatify the hall of the department, gave off specially-prepared snacks and hanging decorations for every incoming girl and female teacher, wished them a happy day and invited them to write down blessings and suggestions on the note book. Girls were deeply touched and expressed sincere thanks for all the preparation and thoughtfulness.

For this year’s Girl’s Day, apart from voicing the benediction for girls, we hope to collect some instructive advices and suggestions towards the Graduate Student Union and Undergraduate Student Union for further betterment. 

Fortunately, our “Loving Breakfast” was well-received. 

Again, to all the girls: happy Girl’s Day!

(By Alley)


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