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Let Us Warm Up This Winter

Time£º2012-12-13 16:04

On November 9th, a beautiful day with golden sunshine spreading warmth in this cold winter and fresh breeze cleaning up the morning drowsiness, roughly 30 students from class 1002 were heading for The Arboretum, starting from the foot of the Mount. Laohe. This class activity was organized by the class director, Mr Anjun Qin, the class monitor ChenXi Gao and the associate monitor Tong Qin.

An altitude of several hundreds was, of course, not a big challenge for those energetic students. But the climbing brought them the sense of accomplishment when reaching the summit and taking a bird's-eye view of the city, not to mention the laughter and singing accompaning them along the way. After arriving at The Arboretum, they sat in a circle to play warming-up games under the guide of the monitor, for example Birthday Order, Working Together, Different Gestures of Mouth and Finger. Everybody was totally absorbed by the novel and interesting games. They laughed and talked; they played and cooperated; they deepen mutual understanding and intimacy by successfully conducting every single task. The game part was finished by the well-known trick named Wu Mao Yi Kuai. Though a simple game, it pushed the whole atmosphere to the high tide. All the people participating were eagerly clustered into several crowds fearing to be left alone, which made the always serious class director laugh out loud. Until the late dusk, they bid farewell to the Arboretum and continued their next course of journey.

The last event was the dinner party. People were divided into three tables to enjoy the feast. Coincidentally, that date happened to be the birthday of a student, so others prepared a delicate birthday cake in advance for him and sang "happy birthday" together for him. His face shone in the light of the colorful candles, with the sincere blessing from his teacher and classmates.

They completed the day when the sky was already filled with twinkling stars, searing a perfect ending for this unforgettable day. All the designed activities enhanced the friendship among the students of the class, promoted the mutual understanding of the class director and the students body, and granted everyone present the sense of belonging. We have sufficient reasons to believe that the class of 1002 of polymer science and engineering would become a closely-bonded family with everyone helping others both in their daily life and academic study.


 (by Alley)



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