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The Fourth Academic Communication Conference of Four Universities

Time£º2012-11-26 16:04

 On the day of November 3rd , a team of teacher delegates from our department, leading by the Dean, Prof. Xu Zhikang, the Vice-Deans, Prof. Chen Hongzheng and Prof. Wang Qi, attended the fourth academic communication conference in polymer science of Peking University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University and Suzhou University in Suzhou University. The conference mainly consisted of three parts: the opening ceremony, feature lectures and free exchange or argument of opinions.

The opening was held ceremoniously in the hall of the department of material science and chemistry & chemical engineering of Suzhou University on the morning of November 24th . It was hosted by the Dean of the department of material science and chemistry & chemical engineering, Prof. Chen Hong, and she reviewed major courses we went through together during the last three conferences, at the same time anticipating better accomplishment about this  conference. Then, Prof. Wan Xinhua from Peking University, Prof. Xu Zhikang from our school and Prof. Wang Changchun from Fudan University delivered speeches on behalf of their own schools.

In the lecture part, 16 delegates from the four schools made speeches about recent groundbreaking advances in their research and newly-developed frontier in polymer science in the world. Four delegates from our department have exhibited their works, including Prof. Wang Qi addressing "application of radical addition-combination reaction in polymer synthesis ", Prof. Zhu Weipu talking about "functionalize acyclic polyetherester: from controlled synthesis to nano-drug carrier", Prof. Sun Jingzhi speaking about "controlled polymerization: original intention and objective" and Prof. Huang Xiaojun giving an account of "polymerization of polyphosphazenes based on 'click chemistry' and investigation about their properties".

The three days' communication activity completed with a satisfactory ending. This conference not only expanded the academic vision and initiated new ways of thinking for every participants, but also definitely helped to promote the awareness and ability of creation.  

(by Alley)


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