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DPSE Rock the Field at the First Battle of ¡°Sanhao Cup¡± Football Match

Time£º2012-03-26 14:02

Last week, DPSE beat the Chemistry with a result of 14:0 in the first round group game of “Sanhao Cup”football match.

The match hadn't proceeded for 10 minutes when DPSE harvested the first “surprise goal”, due to a careless “own goal” by one opponent. Then, leaded by Captain Yi Han, DPSE played at their full potential. They were all active and competitive at the forecourt; and meanwhile flexible and well coordinated at the sideways. 13 minutes after the match started, Jie Huang successfully passed the ball to Yi Han, who scored with no hesitation or retard. Afterwards, Vanguard Ke Yang achieved 4 scores in succession. Just before the half time, an opponent backfield contributed a second “own goal”, making the score 7:0 versus the Chemistry.

After the players changed ends, the second half begun. Under the effective lead of Yi Han, DPSE achieved another 7 scores gloriously by players Yi Han, Lu Wang, Yanxing Liu, Liang Kou and Ke Yang. The match came to a perfect end with a brilliant score conducted by Yi Han after he broke through 3 opponents. DPSE gained our first win against the Chemistry with a score of 14:0.

(By Ivy)


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