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The 10th Chinese Conference on Rheology

Time£º2010-11-09 11:11

The 10th Chinese Conference on Rheology will be held in Hangzhou from November 13th to November 16th, 2011, which will offer a unique opportunity for Chinese researchers on rheology to have face-to-face discussions with each other. Faculties and students of the department of polymer science and engineering are welcome to the meetings.


Chinese Society of Chemistry

Committee of Rheology, Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics


Key Laboratory of Macromolecular Synthesis and Functionalization, Ministry of Education, China

Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University

Chairman of the advisory committee: Zheng Qiang

Advisory committee: Song Yihu, Shangguan Yonggang

Conference affairs committee: Yang Hongmei, Du Miao, Zuo Min

Location:Days Hotel Hangzhou (KaiXuan Road 451, Intersection of HuanCheng North Road, adjacent to Hua-Jia-Chi Campus) 

Morning of November 14th
Time Lecturer Topic
09:10-09:50 Yang Wei (Zhejiang University) Rheology and Fraction of Nanocrystals
09:50-10:30 Han Zhicao (Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science) Nucleation Phase Separation Under Oscillatory Shear
10:40-11:20 Zai Jinping (South China University of Technology) Study on the Plasticizing Transporting Technology of Polymer Blades Based on Extensional Rheology
11:20-12:00 Zhao Xiaopeng (Northwestern Polytechnical University) Electrorheological Effects of micro/nano-hierarchical Structured Particle
Morning of November 16th
Time Lecturer Topic
08:30-09:10 Shen Changyu (Zhengzhou University) Modeling Theory and Numerical Simulation Technology for Plastic Processing
09:10-09:50 Jiang Lei (Institute of Chemistry,
Chinese Academy of Science)
Biomimic Smart Interface Material
09:50-10:30 Zheng Qiang (Zhejiang University) Rheological Study of Multi-phase and Multi-component Polymer System



Copyrights© Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, 2009
Address: Zhe Da Road 38, Hangzhou 310027, China
Tel: 86-571-87951308, Fax: 86-571-87951592