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Time£º2010-04-17 12:12


Location:Home > About us


      The Rare Earth Catalysis group members include 3 professors, 3 associate professors and currently 32 graduate students. The group leader is Prof. Zhiquan Shen, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Science.
    Our researches focus on exploitation and developemnt of new catalysts, especially rare earth catalysts, and methodologies in polymer synthesis, including:
(1) Novel rare earth catalysts for polymerizations of olefins, dienes, and cyclic monomers;
(2) Optical active or magnetic polymers;
(3) Synthetic methodologies for biodegradable polymers.


Copyrights© Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, 2009
Address: Zhe Da Road 38, Hangzhou 310027, China
Tel: 86-571-87951308, Fax: 86-571-87951592