
日期:2011-02-20 22:10

您现在的位置:首 页科研成果→2002年论文


1、   Temperature rising elution fractionation of PP/PE alloy and thermal behavior of the fractions聚丙烯/聚乙烯合金的升温淋洗分级及级分的热性质, European polymer Journal38<9>, 20020920, Junting Xu(徐君庭), Zhisheng Fu(傅智盛), Zhiqiang Fan(范志强), Linxian Feng
2、   Phase Separation in the Melt of Polypropylene–1-decene Copolymers丙烯-癸烯共聚物熔融中的相分离, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B – Physics41<4>, 20020920, J. T. Xu(徐君庭), F. Wu(吴飞), Z. Q. Fan(范志强), A. J. Ryan
3、   Effects of cocatalyst on structure distribution of propylene polymers catalyzed by rac-Me2Si(Ind)2ZrCl2/aluminoxane助催化剂对茂金属催化聚丙烯结构分布的影响, Europ. Polym. J.38<8>, 20020820, Wei Wang(王伟), Zhiqiang Fan(范志强), Yinbang Zhu, Yonghui Zhang, Linxian Feng
4、   球形聚丙烯粒子固相接枝聚苯乙烯, 高分子学报2002<4>, 20020820, 张艳中,范志强,刘钊,徐君庭,封麟先
5、   Efficient Activators for an Iron Catalyst in the Polymerization of Ethylene一种乙烯聚合铁催化剂的有效活化剂, Macromol. Rapid Commun.23<>, 20020724, Qi Wang(王齐), Huaxiang Yang(杨华祥), Zhiqiang Fan(范志强)
6、   Isothermal crystallization of propylene-1-decene copolymers丙烯-1-癸烯共聚物的等温结晶, J. Therm. Anal. Calorimetry70<>, 20020720, Xu JT(徐君庭), Guan FX(关芳霄), Fan ZQ(范志强)
7、   Influences of Copolymerization Conditions on the Structure and Properties of iPP/EPR In Situ Blends共聚条件对iPP/EPR原位合金结构性能的影响, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.84<2>, 20020411, Zhang Yu-qing(张玉清), Fan Zhi-qiang(范志强), Feng Lin-xian(封麟先)
8、   Jun-Ting Xu, J. Patrick A. Fairclough, Shao-Min Mai, Anthony J. Ryan, Chiraporn Chaibundit, Isothermal crystallization kinetics and melting behavior of poly(oxyethylene)-b-poly(oxybutylene)/poly(oxybutylene) blends, Macromolecules, 35, 6937 (2002).
9、   Jun-Ting Xu, Simon C. Turner, J. Patrick A. Fairclough, Shao-Min Mai, Anthony J. Ryan, Chiraporn Chaibundit, Colin Booth, Morphological confinement on crystallization in blends of poly(oxyethylene-block-oxybutylene) and poly(oxybutylene), Macromolecules, 35, 3614 (2002).
10、Anthony J. Ryan, Jun-Ting Xu, J. Patrick A. Fairclough, Shao-Min Mai, Crystallization in block copolymers: confinement versus breakout, Abstr. Pap. Amer. Chem. Soc., 223, 413 (2002).
11、Jun-Ting Xu, Anthony J. Ryan, J. Patrick A. Fairclough, Shao-Min Mai, Chain folding in block copolymers crystallized from solution, Abstr. Pap. Amer. Chem. Soc., 223, 415 (2002).
12、Xurong Xu, Jun-Ting Xu, Linxian Feng, Tensile behaviour of homogeneous ethylene copolymers, Polym. Int., 51(5), 458(2002).
13、Xurong Xu, Jun-Ting Xu, Linxian Feng, Impact properties of metallocene-catalyzed ethylene-a-olefin copolymers, Chin. J. Polym. Sci., 20(5), 473(2002).
14、Jun-Ting Xu,* Xurong Xu, Qiang Zheng, Linxian Feng, Wei Chen, Dynamic rheological behaviors of metallocene-based ethylene-butene copolymers and their blends with low-density polyethylene, Eur. Polym. J., 38, 365 (2002).
15、Dewetting of polymer films with built-in topographical defects, Langmuir 2002, 18 (22): 8510-8517, Binyang Du, Fengchao Xie, Yongjian Wang, Zhiyu Yang, Ophelia K C Tsui*
16、In situ study of nanostructure and morphological development during the crystal-mesophase transition of poly(di-n-hexylsilane) and poly(di-n-butylsilane) by X-ray and hot-stage AFM, Polymer 2002, 43 (22): 6005-6012, Zhijun Hu, Binyang Du, Fajun Zhang, Fengchao Xie, Tianbai He*
17、Branched crystal morphology of linear polyethylene crystallized in a two-dimensional diffusion-controlled growth field, The European Physical Journal E Soft Matter 2002, 8 (3): 289-297, Fajun Zhang, Jieping Liu, Haiying Huang, Binyang Du, Tianbai He*
18、Solventless polymerization at the gas-solid interface to form polymeric thin films, Advanced Materials 2002, 14 (5): 339-343, Degang Fu, Lutao Weng, Binyang Du, Ophelia K C Tsui, Bing Xu*
19、Effect of low surface energy chain ends on the glass transition temperature of polymer thin films, Macromolecules 2002, 35 (5): 1491-1492, Fengchao Xie, Hongfang Zhang, Fuk Kay Lee, Binyang Du, Ophelia K C Tsui,* Y. Yokoe, K. Tanaka, A. Takahara, T. Kajiyama, Tianbai He
20、Study on single crystals of butyl branched polyethylene in the presence of electric field, Polymer 2002, 43 (6): 1903-1906, Jieping Liu, Binyang Du, Fengchao Xie, Fajun Zhang, Tianbai He*


