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2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010
Qinfen Li
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Organic single-crystal based FETs 
Yuhui Yang
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Organic single-crystal based FETs 


Jun Li
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells


Jielin Yan
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells
Jiehuan Chen 
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Morphology control of OPV active layer
Chuyi Huang
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Design and synthesis of acceptors for OPVs
Yuhan Kong
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
2-D Materials
Huanbin Li
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Organic single-crystal based FETs
Xinyi Jin
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Functionalization of single crystals
Shengping Wang
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Synthesis of novel 2-D materials
Jiake Wu
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Organic single-crystal based FETs and their application in memory devices
Shuang Xie
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Synthesis and functionalization of 2-D materials
Jingqi Xu
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Design and synthesis of OPV materials
Guobiao Xue
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Organic single-crystal based FETs
Tao Ye
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Interfaces of organic/inorganic materials
Zhongqiang Zhang
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Design and synthesis of DPP based small molecules and polymers
Shuixing Li
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Design and synthesis of non-fullerene accaptors for OPVs
Wenqing Liu
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Device engineering of OPVs
Xinqian Zhang
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Organic/inorganic hybrid optoelectronic materials
Fateh Ullah Khattak 
(PhD Student)
Designing and Synthesis Small Molecule for Organic Solar Cells
(PhD Studnent)
Tao Liang
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
CVD preparation of 2-D materials and their applications
Yujing Liu
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Functionalization of single crystals
Changbo Wu
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Phase change materials
Weifei Fu
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Device engineering of organic, organic/inorganic, perovskites solar cells
Congcheng Fan
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Organic single-crystalline heterojunctions: preparation and applications
Jiachi Huang
(PhD Student)
Research Interests:
Morphology control of optoelectronic materials