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Prof. Hanying Li

编辑:cgsoft 时间:2015年04月14日 访问次数:3233

Hanying Li
Zhejiang University
Dept. of Polymer Science & Engineering
38 Zheda Rd, Hangzhou 310027
P. R. China 
Phone: +86-571-87952557
Fax: +86-571-87953733
Email: hanying_li@zju.edu.cn
       Ph. D., Materials science & engineering, 2005-2009, Cornell University, USA
       M.E., Polymer science & engineering, 2002-2005, Zhejiang University, China
       B. E., Polymer science & engineering, 1998-2002, Zhejiang University, China
Professional Experience
      Dec. 2011-present, Professor of Polymer science & engineering, Zhejiang University, China
      Jan. 2010-Dec.2011,Post-doctoral Researcher, Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, USA
Areas of Primary Scientific Interest
      Electronic and optoelectronic devices based on single-crystals of organic semiconductors
      Biomineralization and bio-inspired single-crystalline material design, polymer/single-crystal composites
Honors and Awards
  1. PAT Lifetime Achievement Award (Junior), 12th Polymers for Advanced Technologies conference, Berlin, 2013
  2. Graduate Student Silver Award, Materials Research Society (USA), 2010
  3. Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad, China Scholarship Council, 2010
  4. Liu Memorial Award, Cornell University, 2008
  5. Outstanding Master Thesis of Zhejiang Province, 2005
  6. Yangshilin-Jiantao Scholarship (top one in the class), Zhejiang University, 2004
Selected Publications 
1. Wu JK, Li QF, Xue GB, Chen HZ, Li HY*, Preparation of Single-Crystalline Heterojunctions for Organic Electronics, Adv. Mater. 2017, 1606101
2. Xue GB, Wu JK, Fan CC, Liu S, Huang ZT, Liu YJ, Shan BW, Xin HL, Miao Q, Chen HZ, Li HY*,Boosting the electron mobility of solution-grown organic single crystals via reducing the amount of polar solvent residues, Mater. Horiz.2016, 28, 7537-7543
3. Liu YJ,  Zang HD, Wang L , Fu WF, Yuan WT, Wu JK, Jin XY, Han JS, Wu CF, Wang Y, Xin HL, Chen HZ, Li HY*, Nanoparticles Incorporated inside Single-Crystals: Enhanced Fluorescent Properties, Chem. Mater.2016, 15 (17), 3247-3249
4. Li HY*, Fan CC, Fu WF, Xin HL, Chen HZ*,Solution-Grown Organic Single-Crystalline Donor-Acceptor Heterojunctions for Photovoltaics , Angew. Chem. Int. Edn.2015, 54, 956
5. Wu JK, Fan CC, Xue GB, Ye T, Liu S, Liu RQ, Chen HZ, Xin HL, Xiong XG*, Li HY*, Interfacing Solution-Grown C60 and (3-pyrrolinium)(CdCl3) Single-Crystals for High-Mobility Transistor-Based Memory Devices, Adv. Mater.2015, 27,4476-4480
6. Xue GB, Fan CC, Wu JK, Liu S, Liu YJ, Chen HZ, Xin HL, Li HY*, Ambipolar Charge Transport of TIPS-Pentacene Single-Crystals Grown from Non-Polar Solvents, Mater. Horiz.2015, 2,344-349
7. Zuo LJ, Gu ZW, Ye T, Fu WF, Wu G, Li HY*, Chen HZ*, Enhanced photovoltaic performance of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells through interfacial engineering using self-assembling monolayer, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2015, 137, 2674–2679
8. Liu YJ, Yuan WT, Shi Y, Chen XQ, Wang Y, Chen HZ, Li HY*, Functionalizing Single-Crystal: Nanoparticle Incorproration Inside Gel-Grown Calcite Crystals. Angew. Chem. Int. Edn.201453,4127-4131
9. Fan CC, Zoombelt AP, Jiang H, Fu WF, Wu JK, Yuan WT, Wang Y, Li HY*, Chen HZ*, Bao ZN, Solution-Grown Organic Single-Crystalline p-n Junctions with Ambipolar Charge Transport. Adv. Mater.2013, 25, 5762-5766
10. Li HY, Xin HL, Muller DA, Estroff, LA*, Visualizing the 3-D Internal Structure of Calcite Single Crystals Grown in Agarose Hydrogels, Science 2009, 326, 1244-1247
Highlighted by: Chemical and Engineering News, Science, Nature Chemistry, Physics world, Cornell Chronicle
Invited Conference Presentations
  1. SICC9, Singapore, Dec. 2016
  2. 16th International Meetingon Information Display (IMID 2016),Jeju, Korea, Aug. 2016
  3. 9th International Symposium on Organic Molecular Electronics (ISOME 2016), Niigata, Japan, May 2016.
  4. 7th International Symposium on Polymer Chemistry (PC2016),Changchun,Sep. 2016.
  5. 2nd Asian-European Symposium on Organic Optoelectronics,Edinburgh, UK, Oct. 2015.
  6. 5th Sino-German Symposium:Frontiers of Chemistry, Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2014.
  7. SPIE 2014, San Diego, USA,Aug. 2014
  8. 25th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices,Seoul,May 2014
  9. 37th Taiwan Polymer Conference,Taichung,Jan. 2014
  10. 13th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kaohsiung, Nov. 2013
  11. 12th PAT Conference,Berlin,Oct. 2013
  12. 15th Asian Chemical Congress,Singapore,Aug. 2013
  13. 6th Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing & Properties of Reinforced Polymers, Wuhan, Jun. 2013
  14. SPIE 2012, San Diego, Aug. 2012
  15. Euromat 2009, Glasgow, Sep. 2009 


上一篇:Prof. Mingsheng Xu