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Scitific Visit to CIC biomaGUNE in Spain
Time:2013-09-17 21:32 Source:未知 Author:polymer Click:

    Dr. candidate Bo Li in our lab was sent to CIC biomaGUNE in Spain to conduct cooperative research in June 2013. Under the supervision of Dr. Sergio E. Moya, Bo Li cooperating with Joseba Irigoyen Otamendi participated in one project, which focused on the assembly of polyelectrolyte onto SiO2 nano particles. This exchange was supported by Marie Curie Actions-International Research  Staff  Exchange Scheme.

    10 students have been sent from our lab during the past 2 years to visit CIC biomaGUNE in Spain, Universität Leipzig in Germany or other institutions in Europe. In the next 3 years, 6-8 students will be sent to those institutions to do cooperative research. These exchange projects between Europe and China have created platforms for the young scientists to immerse themselves in a different culture and environment.