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Group Alumni Meeting Was Successfully Held
Time:2012-06-10 13:53 Source:未知 Author:polymer Click:



The first group alumni meeting was held on May 31, 2012, and several former group members were invited to come back to Zhejiang University for the communication and experience sharing with juniors.

The meeting was chaired by Prof. Changyou Gao, and started with a party atmosphere. Prof. Jianjun Guan (Assistant Professor, Ohio State University, USA), Prof. Yabin Zhu (Professor, Ningbo University), Prof. Jie Feng (Associate Professor, Zhejiang University of Technology), Dr. Yi Hong (Research Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh), Dr. Xingyu Liu (setting up a high-technology company, Hangzhou), Dr. Xiaohong Hu (Jinling Institute of Technology), Dr. Feng Wang (Shanghai Normal University), Dr. Jie Zhou (Jushi Group CO., LTD), Dr. Yi Zhu (Jushi Group CO., LTD) and Yuan Qiu (Ph.D candidate in CIC biomaGUNE, Spain) detailed their own academic and work experiences, and answered the juniors’ questions at the end of the meeting.