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Chitosan Microcapsules With Micrometer-Thick and Layered Wall Structure by Stepwise Core-Mediated Precipitation
Time:2012-01-06 15:40 Source:未知 Author:polymer Click:

Incubation of CaCO3 microparticles in chitosan (CS) solution at pH 5.2 and following with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA) treatment resulted inCS single component microcapsules with an ultra-thick wall structure. Repeating the incubation causedstepwise increase of wall thickness and finally resulted in CS microcapsules with a layered structure. This unique method is mediated by precipitation of CS on the CaCO3 particles as a result of pH increase caused by the partial dissolution of CaCO3. The obtained CS capsules arestable at neutral pH.



Fabrication of Chitosan Single-Component Microcapsules With a Micrometer-Thick and Layered Wall Structure by Stepwise Core-Mediated Precipitation.

Yuanyuan Han,Weijun Tong,* Yuying Zhang, Changyou Gao*.Macromolecular Rapid Communication, DOI =10.1002/marc.201100685.